Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ox Tail with White Wine and Dill Gravy

I was watching my porn again, another episode(s) of Anthony Bourdain. It was maybe the Philippines episode where he made some remark about ox tail. Can't say I've had ox tail lately, or that I've ever cooked it.

Inspiration hit when I saw ox tail packaged nicely during my shopping dash yesterday, so I picked some up and decided to experiment. Ahhh, slow cooked meals, the lazy persons guide to cooking a fantabulous dish with minimal effort. The result was again, finger licking good. I even got to some bone marrow hidden inside that tail bone. Yum!

Ox Tail with White Wine and Dill Gravy
2 mins prep, approx. 2hrs cooking, serves 4 people

olive oil
approx. 1kg ox tail pieces
1 onion, cut into slices
1 cup white wine
approx. 3 cups water
2 cloves garlic, crushed with side of a knife
freshly ground sea salt and black pepper
generous handful dill, chopped
fresh, creamy, warm potato mash for serving
  1. Heat olive oil in deep pan, add onions and cook until translucent.
  2. Season ox tail pieces with sea salt and black pepper, then add to pan with onion. Brown meat on all sides.
  3. Add dill, white wine and water to the pan. Ensure these is enough water to cover the meat. Adjust seasoning to taste.
  4. Cook on low heat for 1hr, making sure to stir occasionally and that meat or onions do not stick to pan.
  5. Stir in garlic pieces. Cook for a further 1hr, continuing to stir occasionally. Check there is enough water in the pan for a saucy consistency, top up if needed.
  6. Turn heat off and enjoy over a creamy hot potato mash. Alternatively, serve with pasta or rice.

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